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Initiate an Email Communication Thread for a Meeting


To initiate a new email communication thread by sending an external email to a specific project meeting's Emails tab.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To obtain the meeting's email address from a meeting's Emails tab, 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Meetings tool. 
    • Important! Any individual with the specific meeting's email address can start a thread in that meeting's Emails tab. 
  • Additional Information:
    • When you send the email from your external email client, it appears in the meeting's Emails tab.
    • If the email includes a person NOT in the Project Directory, the system identifies that person as an 'Unknown User'.


  1. Navigate to the project's Meetings tool.
  2. Click the Meeting Title.
  3. Click the meeting's Emails tab.
  4. Copy the email address in the Info icon-info.png banner.
  5. Open your external email client and create a new email.
  6. Past the email address into the 'To' field.
  7. Enter your Message and update the email fields as necessary.
  8. Click Send.