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Configure Advanced Settings: T&M Tickets


To configure advanced settings and notifications for the T&M Tickets tool.


Before your team starts using the T&M Tickets tool, you'll want to configure the tool's advanced settings. You can add one or more Procore users to the tool's default distribution list. You can also specify which user(s) or groups receive automatic email notifications from Procore when specific actions are completed in the tool.  

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's T&M Tickets tool.



Configure the T&M Settings

Using the controls in the T&M Settings tab, you can create a default distribution group and configure emails for the T&M Tickets tool. 

Create a Default Distribution Group

To create an email distribution group for the T&M Tickets tool, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the T&M Tickets tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
  3. Under the T&M Settings tab, scroll to the Default Distribution section.
  4. Select one or more project users from the Select a Person drop-down list. 
  5. Continue with Configure T&M Emails

Configure T&M Emails

To choose the actions that will send emails to distribution group members, follow these steps: 

  1. Under the T&M Settings tab, scroll to the T&M Emails section.
  2. Mark one or more role checkboxes to specify which notifications to send to users and distribution group members upon completion of each action in the list:
    • Actions:
      • T&M Ticket Created. Procore sends an email notification when a new T&M Ticket is saved. See Create a T&M Ticket.
      • T&M Ticket Signed By Customer. Procore sends an email notification when a customer signee submits their signature. See Sign a T&M Ticket.
        • When a customer signee submits a signature, Procore always sends the customer signee a copy of their signed ticket for their records. This email cannot be turned OFF using the 'T&M Ticket Signed by Customer Setting' check box. 
    • Recipients:
      • Creator. Sends an email notification to the Procore user who created the T&M ticket. 
      • Company Signee. Sends an email notification to the employee at your company who approved the work with a signature. 
      • Custom Signee. Sends an email notification to the owner or client who requested the work and approved it with a signature. 
      • Distribution Group. Sends a notification to all of the Procore users who have been added to the 'Default Distribution' group. 
  3. Click Update.

Configure the Change Events Export Options

  1. Click the Change Events Export Options tab.
    This tab is only visible and available when the Change Events tool is active on the project. See Add and Remove Project Tools and Can I enable the Change Events tool on my existing project?
  2. Under the Summarize Labour Line Items section, choose one of the Group Labour Totals options:
    • An asterisk (*) below indicates Procore's default setting. 
    • To preview each summarization option, hover your mouse cursor over the tooltip next to each option button. 
    • * Per Ticket: Total Hours by Individual Tickets. This option summarizes the employee hour entries on each T&M ticket to list total hours by classification and time type. 
    • Per Change Event: Total Hours from All Tickets. This option summarizes total hours per employee entry from each T&M Ticket added to a change event.  
    • Don't Summarize. This option lists total labour hours on all tickets with no summarization.
  3. Under the Summarize Equipment Line Items section, choose one of the Group Equipment Totals options:
    • * Per Ticket: Total Hours by Individual Tickets. This option summarizes the total hours per equipment entry from each T&M Ticket added to a change event. 
    • Per Change Event: Total Hours from All Tickets. This option summarizes total hours per equipment from each T&M Ticket added to a change event.
    • Don't Summarize. This option lists total equipment hours on all tickets with no summarization.
  4. Click Update.