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Add a Member to the Tender Room Team in Portfolio Financials

The information in this tutorial applies to accounts with the Portfolio Financials product in Procore. Reach out to your Procore point of contact for more information. 


To add a member to a Tender Room Team in Portfolio Financials.


The Tender Room in Portfolio Financials is a shared portal between the owner and tenderers. Before you can send and manage tender, you must set up the Tender Room. The Trade Setup page is where you will enter information and upload documentation so that your tenderers can accurately submit their tender. 

The Tender Room Team comprises the group of people on your team collaborating with you on a tender. Members of the Tender Room Team are automatically added to the project team and will be able to view and compare tender, post and answer RFIs, make changes to the tender form and award the winning tenderer. Members of the Tender Room Team will also receive email notifications around all activity in the Tender Room such as when tenderers post RFIs or submit tender.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Limited' access to the project or higher.
      Note: Users with 'Limited' access must be on the Tender Room Team for the project. 
  • Additional Information:
    • The Tender Room Team is NOT where you invite tenderers; it is where you add colleagues that will manage and make changes to the tendering process. 
    • The user who sets up the bid room is automatically designated as the Bid Room Manager. The only difference between this role and those with 'Full Access' is that the manager can unlock bids in a sealed bid process. See How do I run a sealed bid process in Portfolio Financials?


  1. Navigate to the Tender Room you want to add a member to.
  2. Scroll to the Tender Room Team section. 
  3. Add members to the Tender Room Team as needed. 
    The Tender Room Team is NOT where you invite tenderers; it is where you add colleagues that will manage and make changes to the tendering process.
    • To add new people to the Tender Room Team:
      1. Click the plus  button.
        Note: A list of colleagues with Portfolio Financials accounts are available to select. If you have had an external consultant collaborate with you on the bidding process in Portfolio Financials previously, they will also be available to select.
      2. Mark the checkbox next to the names of the team members you want to add.
        Tip! Mark the checkbox next to Notify via email to send an email notification to the people you are inviting.
      3. Click Add.
    • Optional: If you want to invite a collaborator to the Tender Room Team who does not yet have an account in Portfolio Financials:
      1. Click + Invite New Team Member.
      2. Enter the person's first name, last name and email address.
      3. Click the Tender Room Permissions drop-down menu:
        • Select 'Hide Tendering Info' permissions if you do not want to share the financial information of the tender with them. This will allow them to still receive emails and answer RFIs.
        • Select 'Full Access' if you want them to be able to fully collaborate on this tender.
      4. Tip! Mark the checkbox next to Notify via email to send an email notification to the people you are inviting.
      5. Click Send Invite