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Search for and Filter Companies to Add to a Tender Form

The content below describes functionality that is part of the new Bid Management Enhanced Experience. See About Bid Management Enhanced Experience.


To search for tenderers to add to a tender form.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Tendering tool.



Note: You can search for tenderers while creating a tender form by clicking Save and Add Tenderers. The steps below are for searching for tenderers on an existing tender form.

  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool.
  2. Open the tender package.
  3. Click View Tender Forms.
  4. Click the Tenderers tab.
  5. Click Add Tenderers.
    Note: If you haven't added any tenderers yet, the button shows in the middle of the screen. Otherwise, the button is at the top of the page.
  6. Select where you want to search for or filter companies in:
    • Directory: Select if you want to search existing companies in the Company level Directory tool.
    • Construction Network: Select if you want to expand your network and search through business profiles on the Procore Construction Network.
  7. A list of companies are shown. See the options below to search and filter companies:

Search for Companies

  1. Click the Search bar.
  2. Enter a search term, such as the company or vendor name.
    Matching results are automatically shown.
  3. To clear your search, click the x in the search bar.

Filter Companies

  1. Click Filters.
  2. Select one or more filters to apply:
    • Previous Tenderers
    • Cost Codes
    • Trades
    • Jobsite Proximity
    • Country
    • Minimum Average Rating
    • Union Member
    • Authorized Tenderer
    • Qualification Status
    • Business Certifications (such as Women's Business, Minority Business, etc.)
  3. To remove filters:
    • Click the x on an individual filter to clear it.
    • Click Clear All Filters to clear all filters.

Sort Companies

  1. Click the name of a column to sort companies by a specific option.
  2. To switch from ascending or descending order, click the column name again.

See Also