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View Locations


To view your project's locations and associated items.


Once you've generated a tiered list of project locations from your drawings, you can view them using the Locations feature. The Locations feature allows you to edit locations themselves, boundaries for locations overlaid on drawings, and also view a heat map to see how many items in Procore are associated to each location. The Locations feature is accessible from both the Project level Admin tool, and the Drawings tool.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To view published locations: 
      • 'Read Only' or higher level permissions on the project's Admin tool.
    • To view draft locations: 
    • To view a heat map of items associated to locations: 
  • Additional Information:
    • Users will not be able to see items associated to a location if they don't have permission to view that item in its source tool.


  1. Navigate to the Drawings tool and click View Location Hierarchy.
    Navigate to the Project level Admin tool and click Locations.
  2. Select a location from the list to view the associated drawing, location boundaries, and heat map.
    Tip: When viewing a location, click Location Items to view items in Procore that are associated with that location.

  3. To view locations in a tree structure instead of in a list view next to their associated drawings, select Tree View from the dropdown menu.
