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Review a Timesheet

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To review the timecard entries on a timesheet.


After you create a timesheet, you have the option to collect signatures from your field employees. See Sign a Timesheet (Android) and Sign a Timesheet (iOS). Next, you can begin reviewing your timesheets for accuracy and completeness. 


Because every construction company is different, the team members you choose to carry out your timekeeping process may differ from the roles and considerations in this example:

  • Foremen, Superintendents, and other Supervisors. These are the team members who will create time card entries and timesheets on a project. At a minimum, you should provide these team members with 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the Project level Timesheets tool and the 'Review & Edit Timesheets' granular permission on a project permission template. This allows these users to create new timesheets in the 'Pending' status and change the status of a timesheet to 'Reviewed' in the Project level Timesheets tool. They can also change the status from 'Pending' to 'Reviewed' on project timesheets that they have permission to view using the Company level Timesheets tool. 
  • Project Managers and other Administrators or Executives. These are the team members who will approve 'Reviewed' timesheets before handing them off to your accounting/payroll team for processing. At a minimum, you should provide these team members with 'Admin' on the Project level Timesheets tool. However, if they are responsible for monitoring timekeeping on multiple projects, you may wish to also grant them 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Timesheets tool. 
  • Accounting, Payroll, and other Administrators or Executives. These are the team members who will mark timesheets 'Completed.' This capability is only available in the Company level Timesheets tool, so you should assign these users 'Admin' level permissions on both the Project level Timesheets tool. This allows users to access the Company level Timesheets tool. It also allows users to see project data in the Company level tool.  

Things to Consider

Need to edit a timecard entry? For a detailed explanation about the required user permissions for editing, see Edit a Timesheet.


Complete at least one (1) of these tasks:


Review a Timecard Entry

  1. Navigate to the project's Timesheets tool. 
  2. Find the timesheet(s) that you want to review. See Search for and Filter Project Level Timesheets.
  3. Review your employee and worker time entries line-by-line for accuracy and completeness. Fields to review include:
    • Editing the fields in a timecard entry requires specific user permissions and, if your company's Procore Administrator has assigned a configurable fieldset to the Project level Timesheets tool, you may also be prompted to enter any required field data that is missing. For details, see Edit a Timesheet.
    • Status: Keep the status as 'Pending' until you have reviewed the entire time entry. 
    • Employees: Verify the employee's or worker's name is the correct one. 
    • Optional: Classification: Select from the drop-down menu the employee classification associated with the time entry. See Enable Classifications on a Project
    • Optional: Sub Job: If the Sub Job feature is enabled on the project (see Enable Sub Jobs on Projects for WBS), verify the correct sub-job is selected. 
    • Cost Code: Verify the selected cost code accurately corresponds to the work completed. 
    • Location: If multi-tiered locations have been added to your project, make sure the correct one is selected here. To learn more, see What are multi-tiered locations?
    • Time Entry
      Depending on the 'Time Entry' method set on your project (see Configure Advanced Settings: Project Level Timesheets), you'll see the following fields:
      • Start and Stop Time Entry Method:
        • *Start Time: Verify the time the employee began working.
        • *Stop Time:  Verify the time the employee stopped working.
        • Lunch Time: Verify the selection in the drop-down list is equivalent to the amount of time taken for a lunch break. The options are:
          • 0 min (Default)
          • 30 min
          • 45 min
          • 60 min
      • Total Hours Entry Method:
        If your company is using configured to use this 'Time Entry' method, enter the total number of hours worked in the Hours field.
    • Time Type: Select the correct time type for the timecard entry. For example, Regular Time, Overtime, and so on. Time types can be created in the Company level Timecard tool (see Add a Custom Time Type) or the Company level Timesheets tool (see 'Manage Time Types' in Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Timesheets). 
    • Billable: If the time is billable to the project, a Yes should appear here. If it is NOT billable to the project, a No should appear here. 
    • Optional: Signature: If you want to collect signatures from your employees, you can collect them with your mobile device. For instructions, see Sign a Timesheet (Android) and Sign a Timesheet (iOS).
    • Optional. Description: If you want to add a note about the entry, click Add Description and enter one here. 
  4. Change the status to 'Reviewed' by clicking the Status bubble on each timecard entry. A GREEN banner confirms your update.

  5. Repeat the steps above for all of the timecard entries on the timesheet.
  6. Continue with Review a Timesheet below.

Review a Timesheet

  1. Navigate to the project's Timesheets tool. 
  2. Find the timesheet(s) that you want to review. See Search for and Filter Project Level Timesheets.
  3. Review your employee and worker timecard entries for accuracy and completeness.
    Need to edit a timecard entry? For a detailed explanation about the required user permissions for editing, see Edit a Timesheet.
  4. Click the Change Status button and select 'Reviewed' from the drop-down list.
  5. Repeat the steps above for each timesheet. 

Next Steps