Correspondence - FAQ Last updated Save as PDF Can I export a communications if it is set to private?Can I provide users with 'Read Only' level permissions with limited access to update information in Procore?Can a private correspondence be made public?How can I check who has permissions to see a specific communications?How can I check who has permissions to see a type of communications?How do I configure privacy settings for a communications item?How do I set up permissions for a communications type?If a user doesn’t have permissions to view a specific communications type, can they see that communications type in their Project Overview dashboard?What are "related items" in Procore?What are Super Private correspondence types?What are configurable fieldsets and which Procore tools support them?What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?What are multi-tiered locations?What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's template correspondence types?What file types and formats are supported in the Unified Attachment Viewer?What granular permissions are available for the project's Correspondence tool?What is the Communications tool?What is the difference between Document Management attachments and attachments from other tools?What types of correspondences can be created with the Communications tool?What's the difference between a job, a parent job and a sub job?Which Procore project tools support the DocuSign® integration?Which Procore tools let me view digital image attachments in a map view?Which Procore tools support granular permissions?Which fields in the Communications tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?Which tools can attach Document Management files?Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?