Submittals - FAQ
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- Can I provide users with 'Read Only' level permissions with limited access to update information in Procore?
- How are PDFs uploaded to the Submittals tool affected by file restrictions?
- How are submittals numbered in Procore?
- How are the date columns in submittal custom reports calculated?
- How can I email a submittal so people can reply through email?
- How can I fix errors with PDF files in the Submittals tool?
- How can I troubleshoot an issue with the Procore Web Application?
- How do I add people to the submittal workflow?
- How do I change my web browser's default email client for mailto links?
- How do I change the 'Responsible Contractor' field on a submittal?
- How do I customize submittal responses?
- How do I filter items by multi-tiered locations?
- How do I remove a submitter or approver from a submittal workflow while the approval process is in progress?
- Is there a way to bulk replace an approver, submitter or reviewer on a project's submittals?
- What are "related items" in Procore?
- What are Procore's default cost codes?
- What are configurable fieldsets and which Procore tools support them?
- What are custom fields and which Procore tools support them?
- What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?
- What are dynamic approver due dates?
- What are multi-tiered locations?
- What are specifications?
- What are the default submittal responses in Procore?
- What are the default submittal statuses in Procore?
- What are the user roles in the Submittals tool?
- What does each column in the 'Submittals Log' represent?
- What file types and formats are supported in the Unified Attachment Viewer?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Submittals tool?
- What happens to existing submittals when 'Dynamic Approver Due Dates' is enabled?
- What is Bluebeam Studio?
- What is Procore's Recycle Bin?
- What is a 'Draft' submittal?
- What is a submittal package?
- What is a submittal revision?
- What is a submittal?
- What is an advanced search symbol in Procore?
- What is the 'Submittal Manager' role?
- What is the difference between a distribution group and distribution list in Procore?
- What is the difference between a submitter and approver in submittals?
- What's the difference between a job, a parent job and a sub job?
- What’s the difference between sequential and parallel approval in the submittal workflow?
- When is a submittal attachment labeled as 'Current' in the 'Submittal Workflow' table?
- Where do the selections in the 'Specification Section' drop-down list come from?
- Which Microsoft Excel file versions can be attached to items in Procore?
- Which Procore tools let me view digital image attachments in a map view?
- Which Procore tools support granular permissions?
- Which data columns can I add to a custom Submittals report?
- Which fields in the Submittals tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which file formats are supported when exporting a project's submittals?
- Who receives an email when a submittal is created or updated?
- Why can't I delete items in Procore?
- Why can't I turn OFF the 'Action Required' emails sent from the Submittals tool?
- Why didn't I receive an email notification from a submittal?